I am writing this article because we are getting lots of comment to solve IRCTC Captcha problem. Lots of people are commenting that they are entering correct Captcha but still they are getting error message “Invalid Captcha” and asking me for the solution so I decided to help you all. Below is the solution to the problem (So please read it till end).
Why IRCTC Putting Difficult Captcha in TATKAL hours:
I have observed that IRCTC has change the format of the Captcha in Tatkal hours which is very difficult to read, because of the size and the strikeout line which make it more difficult to read, according to my observation if anyone enter captcha quickly without paying attention to it then there is 75-90 % or probability that you will get Captcha error message.In non Tatkal hour captcha is very clear and easy to read and error rate is 10- 20 % or less. So IRCTC intensely putting these difficult captcha in peak Tatkal hour, but question is why?
All this difficult captcha come after the incident happen last month, when all ticket of Gujrat Mail Train where sold out within 20 sec and all of them were booked via IRCTC web site online and the people standing in queue on Railway Ticket booking window got waiting list ticket (Read full news). That’s why difficult captcha is coming in tatkal hour. So that people who are standing in long queue will get confirm ticket at least one or two. According IRCTC official anyone who has good internet speed and good type skill then he/she can book a ticket in just 20sec.
What Is Captcha
- What is IRCTC Captcha – IRCTC Captcha is an image with some alpha- numeric character which is unique for every page load/refresh for all users.
- Why IRCTC Put Captcha- IRCTC or any other site have captcha to stop spam or automation script run on site.
How to bypass/Automate Captcha
ByPass Captha: It is impossible to bypass captcha on IRCTC Site during normal or in Tatkal hours, one has to enter captcha manually.Rumola Captcha Solution: Rumola is a Google Chrome and Firefox Extension which can be used to automate the captcha, than what is the problem?
- Rumola is not free and it will charge you with heavy amount in US Dollar.
- The major problem with Rumola is speed, it will take more time and manually you can fill captcha faster than Rumola
- And last it is Captcha automation and you can’t rely on it so I advise you to fill yourself manually and follow below step.
Solution to Fill IRCTC Captcha correctly without any error
- Size Problem: Size of Captcha image during Tatkal hour is very small so increase the size of image so that you can read captcha easily. You can do that by zooming your browser (I have zoom out around 200%)
- Reload Captcha: Most of the time IRCTC send incorrect Captcha in Tatkal hours if you reach passenger detail page quickly, so trick is always reload captcha when passenger detail page is loaded, you can do that by clicking refresh captcha image. It will not more than 1 or 2 sec to reload captcha.
- Pause 5 sec: Ounces Captcha is loaded then give a pause of 2-5 sec and read captcha carefully. Paly safe if you enter wrong captcha then you have to fill it again and in whole process you will waste around 15 to 20 sec, so my point is wait 5 sec is always good instead of wasting 20 sec.
- Confusion in letter ‘J’ : Always reload Captcha when there is letter ‘J’ or give a pause for 5 sec and make sure if J is capital or small letter. 60 % of error is coming in captcha which is heaving latter ‘J’, where people confuse between small and capital case. You can avoid this issue only when you pause for 5 sec.
- Typing Skill: Always Type Captcha with single hand and with single finger. Typing with single hand & single figure is slow but your success rate is increase by 10 – 20%
- Captcha Length: Make sure that you are visiting Passenger Detail page first time after login. If you have visited passenger detail multiple times with same login session then there are chances you will get long or difficult Captcha to enter.
- Login Time: Try to login between 09:50 – 09:55 AM IST.
- Practice Make a Man Perfect: Practice entering Captcha before booking Tatkal ticket.
- By using above trick I never get captcha error and always got confirm ticket in Tatkal hours. You can read my another post How to Book Tatkal Ticket in just 20 sec which can help you to get confirm Tatkal ticket.
- Please comment your experiences after applying above trick or if you have any more tricks then your email me or add it in below comment.
If your trick is good enough and unique then I will add it in above article with your name/site.
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