It’s not the Z Play that we were expecting, but many will be happy that Motorola finally launched an update to the ageing Moto X Play called the Moto G Play at Rs 8,999. The smartphone will go on sale on Amazon on 6 September 2016, 10PM onwards and basically offers a quad-core chipset in a newer Moto G4 body with VoLTE that should hopefully find some buyers.
Why? Well, it is because the Moto G Play does not even qualify as an update with it’s Snapdragon 410 SoC. So what has Motorola India just launched? Well it’s basically a toned down Moto X Play, as the real successor to the X Play is technically the Z Play that should hopefully arrive with the Motorola’s new Moto Z Force and the Moto Z (along with support for their modular bits).
At Rs 8,999 this budget Moto Play smartphone packs in a 5-inch HD display sporting a pixel density of 294ppi. Inside, we get a now ageing Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 chipset paired with 2GB RAM. You get 16GB of internal storage and a microSD card slot that accepts cards of up to 128GB in capacity.
Coming to the imaging bits, the handset features an 8MP camera on the back and a 5MP unit up front. The handset features the usual radios including 4G bands (with support for VoLTE), Bluetooth 4.1 LE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n (2.4 GHz) A-GPS and a microUSB connector at the bottom.
The handset is powered by Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow, weighs in at 136gms and features a 2,800mAh battery that along with a 10W quick charger delivers a 5 hours of battery life with 15 minutes of charge.
The handset will be available in black and white and features a dual sims (micro+ nano) setup.
Why? Well, it is because the Moto G Play does not even qualify as an update with it’s Snapdragon 410 SoC. So what has Motorola India just launched? Well it’s basically a toned down Moto X Play, as the real successor to the X Play is technically the Z Play that should hopefully arrive with the Motorola’s new Moto Z Force and the Moto Z (along with support for their modular bits).
At Rs 8,999 this budget Moto Play smartphone packs in a 5-inch HD display sporting a pixel density of 294ppi. Inside, we get a now ageing Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 chipset paired with 2GB RAM. You get 16GB of internal storage and a microSD card slot that accepts cards of up to 128GB in capacity.
Coming to the imaging bits, the handset features an 8MP camera on the back and a 5MP unit up front. The handset features the usual radios including 4G bands (with support for VoLTE), Bluetooth 4.1 LE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n (2.4 GHz) A-GPS and a microUSB connector at the bottom.
The handset is powered by Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow, weighs in at 136gms and features a 2,800mAh battery that along with a 10W quick charger delivers a 5 hours of battery life with 15 minutes of charge.
The handset will be available in black and white and features a dual sims (micro+ nano) setup.