There's a scene in Neeraj Pandey's A Wednesday, where Gaurav Kapur's character meets the police commissioner since he thinks, he's been getting calls from the underworld (a common occurrence in the 90s amongst Bollywood stars). The actor has an explanation of his own for being 'targetted', and the reason is he belongs to minority group. Explaining further to a befuddled Anupam Kher, the actor states Bollywood is ruled by the Khans, which makes an Arjun Khanna a minority. This was Neeraj Pandey's subtle dig at Akshay Kumar. Some call it homage too, and even Akshay Kumar had a sense of humour about it. Maybe, he was even impressed, which is why he went on to star in the director's two future projects.
Akshay Kumar is the epitome of the outsider's superstar. A lot of people might reserve that title for Shah Rukh Khan, however, Shah Rukh Khan still found his frequent association with the Industry bigwigs in Yash Raj, Dharma, and pan-India love. Akshay Kumar has always had his fair share of fans, but he's never seen the mania that a Shah Rukh or a Salman has seen. And Akshay Kumar, even as an A-lister, has hardly been given the recognition that the Khans have been given.
Akshay Kumar made his debut in Abbas-Mastan's Khiladi. His USP among his competition then, was he knew martial arts and was willing to wear a thong and dance in the shower to "It's my life." Oh yes, the kind of things you have to do make a niche for yourself. Just goes on to show how he didn't take himself, his image as seriously as a Shah Rukh, Salman or even an Aamir. Competing with the Khans, Akshay found major success after teaming up in two-hero films. So while he did Waqt Hamaara Hai, Mohra, Hera Pheri with Suniel Shetty, he also did Yeh Dillagi, Main Khiladi Tu Anari, Tu Chor Main Sipahi and Keemat with Saif Ali Khan. Akshay Kumar earned thought he made the big league by doing Yash Chopra's Dil Toh Pagal Hai, but a sour post-release experience meant that he vowed to never work with Yash Raj for a long time.
Since the turn of the millennium, the audience started to become a little tired of the Khiladi's action star image. That's when he began doing a spate of negative characters in Khiladi 420, Ajnabee, Awara Pagal Deewana, Khakee and even Aan: Men at work. The films might have been only moderate successes, but in the masses he began getting recognised as an actor, more than an 'action star'. He repeated the trend with showing off his comic timing in a series of films between 2004-05 like Mujhse Shaadi Karogi, Garam Masala, Deewane Huye Pagal, Phir Hera Pheri.
The years 2007-08 finally saw sections of Bollywood, media acknowledge the sheer star power that Akshay Kumar brought with him to a film. After a record 8 consecutive hits in those two years, Akshay Kumar famously gave the statement, "you don't have to be a Khan to be a superstar in Bollywood." And nothing spelled it more than getting an offer from Yash Raj after close to a decade for Tashan. The film might have been a failure, but Akshay Kumar's stock was higher than ever.
Super-stardom meant Akshay Kumar had franchises to his name like the Housefull series, which have all gone on to gross more than a 100 crores. This also means he can back films like a Special 26, Baby with director Neeraj Pandey. He can produce a movie like The Shaukeens, where he doesn't a pull a punch from playing an exaggerated version of himself. Doing all this while, he has three films which have grossed more than a hundred crore in the same calendar year.
All this while, he remains the outsider's superstar. He might still not be the Khan in terms of popularity, but he doesn't have to be. He is THE Akshay Kumar. source