In a sarcastic tweet put out to Prime Minister Narendra Modi standup comedian and actor Kapil Sharma stated - "Yeh hain aapke achhe din ? @narendramodi "This came after he had tweeted on Friday morning stating that he was asked to pay Rs. 5lakhs as bribe by the BMC for making an office in the city.
In a tweet put out from his official handle the actor said, "I am paying 15 cr income tax from last 5 year n still i have to pay 5 lacs bribe to BMC office for making my office @narendramodi."
He further questioned the PM if these were his 'Achhe Din'?I am paying 15 cr income tax from last 5 year n still i have to pay 5 lacs bribe to BMC office for making my office @narendramodi— KAPIL (@KapilSharmaK9) September 9, 2016
The stand up comedian, who is currently shooting for his comedy show The Kapil Sharma Show, is a big star today and his fan following in humungous. The BJP MP Kirit Somaiya from Mumbai Morth east constituency tweeted saying, "It pains to here experience of #KapilSharma to Slum Dwellers of Bribe @ Mumbai MunicipalCorporation V shall Free BMC from Rule of ScamMafias" Marashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has replied to Kapil Sharma's tweet saying they will take strict action against the culprit.Yeh hain aapke achhe din ? @narendramodi— KAPIL (@KapilSharmaK9) September 9, 2016
The BMC meanwhile which was quick to reply to it put out a statement by the BMC vigilance chief engineer Manohar Pawar that the BMC has taken a serious view of the corruption. They also requested the actor to give the name of person to enable the civic body to take strict action of the matter. BMC chief engineer-vigilance Manohar Pawar has said the actor would need to provide them with additional details on the matter. "He must have made these allegations with some base hence we need him to provide us with all the evidence he might have and the name of the official. sourceKapilbhai pls provide all info.— Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) September 9, 2016
Have directed MC,BMC to take strictest action.
We will not spare the culprit.@KapilSharmaK9 @narendramodi